Energy-Efficient Commercial Heating and Cooling Equipment


Control System

All absorption machines come with a Microprocessor unit controller factory mounted and tested. The unit controller ensures safe and efficient capacity control, proper start/stop procedures, and enables communication with other systems

  • Component Test and Diagnostic Check

  • Touch Screen Interface for Status Display, Set-point Control, and System Configuration

  • Primary and Secondary Status Messages

  • Individual Start/Stop Schedules for Local Mode

  • Recall of Up to 999 Alarm and Alert Messages with Diagnostic Help

  • Extensive Diagnostic and Service Capabilities

  • Advanced Crystallization Protection Safety Cutouts

  • Solution Pump Motor Overload/High Temperature

  • Refrigerant Pump Motor Overload/High Temperature

  • Low Chilled Water Temperature Cutout

  • Low Refrigerant Temperature Cutout

  • Low Cooling Temperature Cutout

  • Low Chilled Water Flow Cutout

  • Low Cooling Water Flow Cutout (Option)

  • Generator High Temperature Cutout

  • Hot Water High Temperature Cutout (Low Temp. Hot Water Driven type only)

  • High Temperature Generator High Pressure Cutout (Exhaust Gas Driven type only)

  • High Temperature Generator Low Level Cutout (Exhaust Gas Driven type only

Protective Limits

Strong Solution Leaving High Temperature Generator Alarm

  • Hot Water High Temperature Alarm (Low Temp. Hot Water Driven type only)

  • Refrigerant Pump Overload/High Temperature Alarm

  • Solution Pump Motor Overload/High Temperature Alarm

  • Low Refrigerant Temperature Alarm

  • Low Chilled Water Temperature Alarm

  • Low Cooling Water Temperature Alarm

  • Low Chilled Water Flow Alarm


Hot Water High Temperature (Low Temp. Hot Water Driven type only)

  • Generator Solution High Temperature

  • High Concentration


Temperature Sensor Faults

Leaving Chilled Water Temperature

  • Cooling Water Temperature Entering Absorber

  • Refrigerant Condensate Temperature from Condenser

  • Refrigerant Evaporating Temperature

  • Strong Solution Temperature Leaving Generator

  • Entering Hot Water Temperature (Low Temp. Hot Water Driven type only)

  • Exhaust Gas Temperature Cutout (Exhaust Gas Driven type only)

Capacity Control

  • Leaving Chilled Water Control

  • Running Travel Limit (Control Valve Opening Limit)


Chiller Operating Status Message

  • Absorption Cycle State Points

  • Dilution Cycle

  • Power-On

  • Alarm

  • Safety Shutdown Message

  • Run Hours

  • Control Valve Position